

the work part

art director, June 2020 - present
  • EP+Co
junior art director, Apr. 2019 - May 2020
  • EP+Co

freelance art director, Sep. 2018 - Mar. 2019
  • Annex88
  • The Paper Crane Factory
  • VMLY&R
  • Scout Marketing

freelance creative for businesses
and artists around Atlanta, 2016 - 2019
  • web design
  • photography
  • videography
  • logo & identity

the school part

The Creative Circus
Art Direction, 2018

Georgia State University
BBA Marketing, 2015

in a previous life

  • studio coordinator @ Flywheel 
  • senior device technician @ Lifeline Repairs 
  • assistant manager @ Pizzeria Venti 
  • line cook @ Twisted Taco

things i can do

  • adobe things
  • cinema 4d things
  • grab things from tall shelves
  • draw things
  • photograph things
  • put round things into their appropriate basket/goal

things i want to do

  • make cool things with cool people
  • influence culture for good with those things
